Lon Fuller ( b.1902) has turned a critical searchlight on both juridical positivism and legal realism. 福勒(生于1902年)点亮了在司法的确定和法定的现实主义两方面的探照灯。
Mr Justice Mackintosh was among the best of judges: fair, robust, a keen legal intellect, full of good common sense and realism, and thoroughly enthusiastic about the operation of the law. 麦健涛法官是其中一位最优秀的法官,他为人公正、热心、是法律优才、通情达理、实事求是,及对法律的工作充满热诚。
On Legal Education in the View of American Legal Realism 美国法律现实主义视野下的法学教育
In contemporary Anglo American jurisprudence various effects of legal realism can be found. 而且,在当今的英美法理学中,人们可以发现现实主义法学的种种影响。
Despite the distinct role of legal realism in the history of American legal thought, the understanding of it is still partial. 法律现实主义在美国法律思想史上的地位极其显著,然而,以往对法律现实主义的理解颇为狭隘。
By means of debate, legal realism came into the spotlight of legal re-search, showing its nature and driving away misunderstanding and misinterpretation. 通过论战,现实主义运动真正走到法学研究的前台,更清楚地展示了法律现实主义的真实面目,驱除法学界的曲解和误解。
On Criticism of Legal Realism 现实主义法学批判
Analyses on legal principle of euthanasia-dilemma between realism and idealism The Duet of Formalism and Realism& Review on American constitutional judgements 安乐死的价值分析应然与实然的无奈形式主义与现实主义的双重变奏以美国宪法裁判为中心的一个考察
As a main branch of Legal Realism Movement, Forensic Economics has become a mature, pioneering and practical approach to legal studies. 法律经济学作为法律现实主义运动的重要组成部分,具有成熟性、前沿性和实用性的特点。
Liberal pattern was decline at the beginning of 20 century with the factors of the rise of legal realism and emergency power legalization etc. 在危机的全球化、法律现实主义运动的盛行和紧急权力法制化的兴起等因素的影响下,自由模式在20世纪初期开始衰微。
Since the 1980s, the post-modernism has developed quickly in the West and influenced Canadian legal study, Canadian new realism jurisprudence thus formed. 20世纪80年代以来,后现代主义在西方蓬勃发展并对加拿大法学理论界产生影响,形成了加拿大的新现实主义法学。
While the legal truth is a kind of truth of realism, which is in accordance with the reality of civil litigation. 法律真实是一种现实主义的真实,符合民事诉讼的实际情形;
Through discussing the objective existence of legal uncertainty, the difference between legal rules and the reality to discourse the need for realism in the judgment. 通过论述法律不确定性的客观存在,法律规则与现实之间差异性的存在,论述现实主义在司法裁判中适用的必要性。
The most seminal one was proposed by Professor Leon Green, the famous pioneer in the legal realism campaign in America. 其中具有开创性地位的是美国现实主义法律运动干将&LeonGreen教授。
The jurisprudential theoretical basis of the contemporary idea of private law is the relative theory of the new Natural Law, the Legal Realism, the Sociological Jurisprudence and the Historical Jurisprudence. 现代私法理念的法哲学理论基础是新自然法学、法律现实主义、社会学法学和历史法学的相关理论。第三章私法理念之影响论述私法理念对现代行政法和国际法的影响。
Legal Realism was a famous legal faction which emerged in the early 20th century. Its appearance broke the traditional legal concepts and impacted the legal system of America even the world. 现实主义法学是兴起于20世纪初的著名法学流派,它的出现极大的颠覆了传统的法律思维范式,对美国乃至世界法学观念和法律制度的变革都产生了深远的影响。
The origin, development and the historical evolution of the legal system on Maritime Liens, reflects the conflict and the integration between the Conceptual Legal Dogmatics and the Legal Realism. 船舶优先权制度的产生、发展和演变过程,体现出了概念法学与现实主义法学的冲突和整合。
Legal Realism denied the certainty of law in their theory. 而法律现实主义,从完全实证的角度否认法律的确定性。
However, the rhetoric was paid much attention to by lawyers, because it was involved with the daily communication and argument, and it met the needs for more legal reasoning and inference in the days of the Legal Realism. 而关注日常交流论辩的修辞学重新受到重视,它满足了法律现实主义时代以来对法律论证推理的更多要求。
If the judges can not properly treat the main po(?) ts of the legal realism, there will be a risk of abuse. 法官如果在裁判过程中滥用裁量权,对于法律现实主义的主要观点不能正确对待,就会出现滥用的危险。
Without doubt, it is a formidable virgin area, because there are so many misunderstandings either of the American Legal Realism or of the American conflicts theories in China now. 无疑,这是一个令人望而生畏的处女地。目前,无论是对美国法律现实主义的领悟,还是对美国冲突法理论的把握,国内学界都存在诸多片面理解甚至误解之处。
The author is surprised to find out that the contents of legal realism are abundant and consist of legal skepticism, legal functionalism and particularism of rules. 笔者在研究中惊奇地发现,法律现实主义具有丰富的内涵&规则怀疑主义、法律功能主义和规则细化主义莫不在其囊中。